Friday Five

1. Last weekend I was with my family in Sacramento. So nice to be with those who don't put me down or are rude.

One huge thing I've learned with the experience of my mother-in-law who lives less than 15 minutes away, is that to appreciate my own mother/stepdad/family. Also that no family, no matter what they say, is perfect. I have learned that no one can tell me that I'm not a good enough Christian/Mormon. It's really up to me and Christ. No one else. I'm just so glad my own family isn't judgmental.

2. So found out #kidlitcon is being held in Sacramento. So I'm applying to be on a panel. Deadline is today! Wish me luck on filling this out!

3. Just finished reading this:

Love this romantic memoir that has you believing in true love, no matter what you're age is.

4. Read this while in Sacramento:

Fast paced read which reminded me so much of a teen Xmen meets government conspiracy.

5. Excited that I just got approved to read the Netgalley copy of one of the upcoming YAs with Audrey Hepburn in them:

There seems to be a trend this season--Breakfast in Tiffanys.

My own YA--NO MORE GODDESSES has an Audrey Hepburnolic who loves all Audrey movies.

Plus, I'm almost done with book two in Jordan's adventures! Sending off to my editor next week!

**Guilty Pleasure:

Want to see this movie:


Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh...this!....this!:

"During this summer I found I have to schedule in my writing time but not only do that but go to my coffee house and/or library otherwise I don't get anything done."

That is what I will be doing this month, otherwise the writing isn't happening...have a write and lunch date in Calgary tomorrow to kick off the scheduled August writing time!

Thanks for being here and keeping us moving forward, Kim.
Kim Baccellia said…
Yay, you!!!!!

I found I have to schedule in my writing or it doesn't happen. Somehow some think that writers/homeschooling moms don't do anything all day meaning I get lots of interruptions. So if I'm gone? No problems! And the tea lattes are good too!

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