Friday Five

1. Been training and scoring for Pearson this week.  Scoring 5th grade essays.  I admit I do like doing this as it keeps me up to date on educational things like writing.  This is one of my strengths.  Also the extra $$ helps toward purchasing things that support my own writing habit.

2. Very cool, just got an email from a publicist who 'noticed' my #Weneeddiversebooks posts.  He is working for an author and wanted to know if I'd review the book, which just the other day I picked up thinking it sounded intriguing.  I just think it's cool that yeah, others do read my tweets on Twitter even when I think no one does.

3.Finished reading this book that totally fits the recent #YesAllWomen hashtag from last week that followed the San Diego shooter's vlog that he targeted women after being rejected from them.

My YA Books Central review:

Teaser: What worked: The viciousness of how a text message can spread rumors and gossip to the point of destroying the reputation of a girl. This is shown in a brutally raw way that is very painful. The 'truth' is slowly unraveled after we hear from different people who knew Alice. 

There are some very strong images woven throughout this story. It could have been so easy for this to be just 'Alice's' story but no, we see her through a number of others in her high school. I think this works as we can observe Alice and see the reasoning behind the slander. Each of the point of views has his/her own motivations behind doing their part in either spreading the rumors or being silent.

**Yes, a total must read!

4. Finished this one which is PERFECT for #Weneeddiversebooks

My YA Books Central review:

Teaser: What works: I love the voice of this coming of age story. Set in NY, two teens from different cultures find themselves trapped in an elevator during a hurricane. Devorah is a Hasidic Jew who is forbidden to speak to any males other than family. Jaxon isn't Jewish. Sparks ignite between them and they find that they have to continue to see each other even when it's forbidden. Along the way each question everything they've known. Fearing the unknown but willing to take a chance at love.

I'm a total sucker for a bittersweet love story and this one delivers. Think modern day WEST SIDE STORY with an engaging voice and two characters that you hope will somehow overcome the odds against them. And the odds are huge for this couple.

5. Son had his play yesterday:

**Guilty pleasure:

This will have to be tomorrow as I need to catch up on scoring and later we're going to an Eagle's Honor court for a friend of son's.  But tomorrow I plan to watch THE FAULT IN OUR STARS.

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Yes, I'm still reading the book.  My only concern so far with the book is the characters sound like 20 something Young Adults discussing life in their dorm at college.  But that's just me and I haven't hit page 100 yet.  Everyone tells me it's an amazing read so I'll give it another try.


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