2014 theme: Persistence

I usually always do a post on my New Year's resolutions. I'm totally anal on setting goals and working toward them. Then I read MG author Erin Dionne's twitter on how she will approach it this year: http://bostonerin.livejournal.com/167721.html

I love this!

So my theme of 2014 is:



I will continue to chisel at this revision and finish it! No excuses. No fears that it's not good enough or that no one will want. No worries that maybe it's not YA after all or that there's not enough...

You can fill in the blanks!

Just need to be persistent and write/revise.

Go back to book two of the goddesses series/revise and get to Liz by the end of the year so we can have a 2015 release!


Will continue reading/reviewing for the fab site: YA Books Central. Also want to read outside my comfort zone. More memoirs and fiction books.


Will continue to be persistent with demanding my 'me' time by going to yoga studio at least twice a week. I need to have this time just for me considering how there's so much going on around me: MIL, homeschooling, husband working from home ALL THE TIME, and just other craziness.

Also need to be good with my doctor visits and get my yearly exam in; follow up with bloodwork/ultrasounds with my thyroid; and to watch sugar/carbs.


Try to go to Sacramento at least once to see family. Miss my mother and siblings. It'll be good to be around my own family especially with how MIL lets me know how much I'm not really her daughter and all.


Continue going to RWA meetings. Rejoin both national and local charter. Try to go to ALA this summer in Vegas. Support author friend's book launches. Continue to get word out on my own recent book, NO MORE GODDESSES. Also hope to take that French class. Last year it was canceled. I'm a huge fan of continuing to learn something new. Plus, it'll help when I go back and do revisions for my second book in the goddesses series.

Here's to 2014!


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