Friday Five

1. Got our first big rain storm here in Southern Ca and guess what happened?

Yeah, water seeped inside our office...again. So frustrating. Husband got one of those extender pipes to help divert water from the add on part of our house. We think we got it in time but still need to call Elwood, my stepdad, for some help on what to do. We're worried we might have a crack in the foundation and have to have it fixed. All I hear is $$$$$$.


2. Good news though is doctor's office called with results of MRI for husband.

He doesn't have cancer!

3. Also this week got some Cybils nominated books!

Really loving being on the YA Non-fiction panel this year. 12 year old LOVES history so guess what he's been doing? Perusing the books too.

Really enjoyed this book:

Loved this behind the scenes life of film maker Andrew Jenks. Shows how he used rejections to fuel him to continue to chase after his dream of being a film maker.


Important short stories on bullying told by teens.

5. I really loved this book:

But then again I love Laurie Halse Anderson's books.

This one deals with a teen and her former military father who suffers from PTS.

YA Books Central Review coming soon!

**Guilty Pleasure:

Really love Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf's holiday drinks.

Another really yummy one has to be Toffee Nut cafe.


I would definitely take flooding over cancer. So glad he's good!
Little Willow said…
YAY for your good news!
Kim Baccellia said…
Thanks, Charlie! Yes, it was a huge worry this last week or so. So happy the worse scenario didn't happen!
Kim Baccellia said…
Thanks, Allie!

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