Friday Five

1. First off, it was so much fun being a part of this Fall's YA Scavenger hunt!

The winner of my own giveaway is:



2. Getting ready for OCCRWA Birthday Bash this Saturday! Booked my hotel room, got some fun Audrey Hepburnish PJs, a Mardi Gras mask, and also have some books for a booksigning. Later that night going to a couple PJ 'parties' and also plan to have breakfast the next day with some other RWA authors. Should be fun! Hope to have photos to share next week! Knocking on wood I don't get...

3. Sick as son had some virus the other day. Ugh. Been living on Airborne and spraying Listerine EVERYWHERE!

Now for the book finds of this week!

4. Read this e-book galley that was sent to me from Netgalley:

Think THE AMERICANS meets YA paranormal spy kids. Set in 1963 Russia during the Cold War this story had me on the edge of my seat. Amazing storyline that peels back what could have happened during the Cold War in the Soviet Union. **Author has notes in the back that both the US and the Soviet Union were in fact researching paranormal abilities like psychics to use in spying. Fascinating. Release date April 2014

5. Just got my copy of RED:

I've been wanting to read this book since I read about it in PW announcement. I'm an enhanced Ginger and this storyline of a girl competing for the must have Scarlet town beauty title has a little secret: her envious red locks are enhanced too. Fun play on stereotypes and cliches. At first I thought it might be too much but so far it's working!

Also love the pilot of this new CW show TOMORROW PEOPLE:

**Guilty Pleasure:

I found it's worth the extra $ to get my hair conditioned/styled in time for a booksigning. So guess what I'll be doing later today? The head massage alone is worth the $ and Mark, my stylist is wonderful!


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