Friday Five

1. It's been so HOT here in Southern California. We've had the added bonus of humidity. Ugh. Wishing for a break from the 100 degree heat soon.

2. My NO MORE GODDESSES giveaway ends today! You still have a chance to win some amazing goodies!

3. If you miss the giveaway? I'm having a GoodReads giveaway this month too! Check it out for a chance to win a signed copy of NO MORE GODDESSES!

4. Read SKIN

My YA Books Central review:

Teaser of review: Overall though this is an interesting take on a teen dealing with vitiligo along with other things that happen in high school like boyfriends, friendships, family dynamics, and the very real fear of being ostracized.

5. Right now reading KILLER OF ENEMIES

Fun backstory on the cover:

**Also cover reveal for Lea Nolan's upcoming book:

YA Books Central is having a giveaway too:

**Guilty Pleasure:

Today going on a science field trip to the Discovery Center in Santa Ana, Ca.


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