WIPMADNESS-Week 1: Celebrate Your Achievements

I'm excited to be hosting this month's #wipmadness and thought I'd tie today's post with celebrating.

Today is my son's 12th birthday! It seems like just yesterday he was little:

Today we hope to celebrate by having cake and having family over.

I found this one site: 15 minute Writer that talks about celebrating our writing. www.15minutewriter.com/how-to-celebrate-your-achievements/

Sometimes we get so busy with life, we don't take time to celebrate our accomplishments and others achievements as we go along.

My question today is how do you celebrate? I know for me whenever an author friend gets a book deal/agent/or even finishes a first draft, I celebrate with them. I find this also helps me not get so depressed if my own writing doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Plus, I love being happy for others. Love hearing good news and accomplishments.

Added goodie for this week: Share your goals for this month and this Friday I will chose a name for a chance to win:

Totally loved this book! My YA Books Central review:


**I did write some notes in this copy for my review.

Or if you like MG more?

My goals for this week include writing the second book in my Goddesses series. And my own celebration is I heard that a release date for NO MORE GODDESSES will be this month! Yay!

So here's for celebrating this week!


Unknown said…
Hi Kim and thanks for hosting this month. Congrats on your upcoming release!! What a way to begin the month. :)

For those of you who'd like to win THE 5TH WAVE, let me say, wow. I'm only about 1/2 way finished. It's an intense read. Highly addictive. I take my Kindle everywhere I go, just to sneak in a few paragraphs when the moment arises. Even while I'm cooking dinner. The MG looks adorable!

This month, while I'm supposed to be working on edits for a YA story (for an anthology submission), and my PB (which needs another complete rewrite, boo), I'm drafting a new YA novel. I haven't been this enthusiastic about my writing in a long time. This 1st draft is rolling at a quick pace. It's keeping off social media, which is usually a big distraction of mine. I'd have to classify its genre as horror, and contains a subject that scares the pants off of me, which maybe the reason I'm glued to it. I'm in love with the emotional high this wip is giving me. Can you tell?

I hope everyone has a fabulous writing, reading, & revising month! Even though I'm laying low on Twitter or FB, you can still reach me on either. I'm trying to keep up with it on my email. :)

Carry on, Wipsters!
Unknown said…
Ugh. Typo: "It's keeping ME off social media..."
Happy Birthday to your not-so-little guy! And thanks for hosting this month, Kim.

When I got my agent, I was home alone, so I ran around the house screaming and dancing and then called a few friends. Ghost Hunk was out of town and the kids were at school :-(

I hope to celebrate a book deal soon, but I haven't devised the all-important victory plans just yet. I think I'm afraid of jinxing it.

Well, I did not get my website up last month, but I'm determined to keep working towards that and get re-started on my WIP. I'm not sure I can commit to a specific goal yet, but I'll be inspired by all you fabulous wipsters. WRITE ON!!!
Clare said…
Hey, found your blog through Candilynn Fite. Am very intrigued about WiP Madness and would love to know more. All the best, and happy birthday to your son! :D
Thanks for hosting this month and happy birthday to your son!

I plan to spend the month rewriting the last 75 pages or so of my WIP.
Happy birthday to your son. It's my dad birthday today, too.

I'm reading 5th Wave and flipping pages fast to find out what happens.

I also love to celebrate when writing friends have exciting news. It's so great to share cool achievements.

Have a great day!
Denise Jaden said…
Thanks for hosting, Kim! Happy bday to your boy. Hope he's having a great day!

I almost always celebrate with wine and chocolate. I'm an over-celebrator. It's the one part of this process I'm very good at.

Almost done this revision...hopefully by Wednesday. Then time to reassess for June.
Kim Baccellia said…
Ooh, very fun about your new YA novel, Candilynn! And your other writing news!

Kim Baccellia said…
Ooh, Mary Ann! Very cool! Yes, I know all about the not revealing anything too soon so you don't jinx it. I once even had someone tell me not to reveal anything about a WIP as that might jinx it too.

We're all here to cheer you on when you do announce your news!

Very cool!!!!!
Kim Baccellia said…

Thanks for stopping by! We usually support and encourage each other with our writing. Each month someone hosts #wipmadness with a theme or just cheers us on!

What are you working on?
Kim Baccellia said…

Waving my pom-poms your way! Great goal for the month!

Thanks for stopping by!
Kim Baccellia said…

Wow, your dad's birthday is today too?

And doesn't The 5th Wave rock big time? I couldn't put it down!

Thanks for coming over today!
Kim Baccellia said…

I'm with you on the chocolate. That and mochas! Somehow nothing can be wrong with the world if I have a piece of chocolate and a good book!

Good luck on your revision!

Unknown said…
Thank you for hosting! I am celebrating the fact that I'm writing again--poetry. I am finally excited and motivated to work on something. Yay!

Congrats to you!
Kim Baccellia said…

Yay! I love writing poetry! I started out by doing this when I was a teen. Need to do it again!

Thanks for stopping by!
Anonymous said…
YAY on the release date for your book!

And speaking of books, I am keeping my monthly goal...simple. Write the new draft of HAPPY MEDIUM. If I am really and truly stuck and nothing happens start something else. Easy peasey, right? Hahahahahaha...ha.
Kim Baccellia said…

Yay for small goals too! I think my problem is I sometimes make huge goals and if I can't finish them, I give up. Sometimes we have to learn to take small steps.

Shaking my pom-poms your way, cheering you on!
Unknown said…
Hope he had a great birthday, Kim. And don't forget to celebrate you as well. That's twelve years of being an awesome mom!

I like to celebrate by doing something enjoyable--I know that's a lame answer but it's even lamer if I tell you that some times my celebration is more writing! Outside of that, I have the Keysmashing Tots who are now competing for the "I'm Gonna Talk First--And Loudly" Award. I'm the luckiest Godmother/Aunt in the world. :)

June Goals:


JuNoWriMo, Kiwi Writers SoCNoC and during the month 25K in 7 Days (June 10th to 16th) and Write Your Novel This Summer (June 21st to September 21st)
--> Elements in Book One of my Fractured Fairytale Series (April's Camp NaNo) got too big for their britches and are now morphing from overbearing subplots to a main plot for Book Two.
--> June was meant to be prep for July's Camp NaNo, but I couldn't wait--super excited about this series--so I'm reworking both Books now and in July and hopefully finishing the series by the fall, if not with November's NaNo.


30 Books in 90 Days & the 48 Hour Book Challenge (June 7th to 9th).

Round One:

KILL ME SOFTLY by Sarah Cross
GEORGETOWN ACADEMY by Jessica Koosed Etting & Alyssa Embree Schwartz

I'm reserving MG titles for the 48 Hour Book Challenge this weekend... we're also having a bowling party for my brother (the Keysmashing Tots' proud Papa) Sunday, so reading should be interesting.

Erm, I think I'm good for now. I'll update you next week on how things went--if I can manage to type through the tears. LOL

Happy June, everyone! We're halfway through our #wipmadness and that's a great reason to celebrate!


Shari Green said…
I love celebrating with writer-friends when they have good news! I'm not much for celebrating my own little achievements/milestones, though, but maybe I should remedy that. I'm totally happy about them, for sure, and enjoy the feelings of satisfaction, but maybe I need to create a personal happy-dance for such times, yes? ;)

My goal this month is consistent progress on my MG wip.
Clare said…
Thanks for the information, Kim! Is there a list of the different hots/ participants? Or should I just follow the Twitter tag?

I'm working on a new adult paranormal romance. Currently revising the first 30k of it. :D
Shari Green said…
Hi Clare! Welcome to the madness! There's no list of participants...best way to connect is with the twitter hashtag (#wipmadness) and in the comments of the weekly check-in posts. Near the end of the month, the current host will post where the next month's check-ins will be.

Great to have you with us! Happy writing! :)
Kim Baccellia said…

Wow, you're a busy chica this month. Waving pom-poms your way!!!

I read KILL ME SOFTLY as it was a Cybils nominated book. Great read!

Thanks for joining us this month!
Kim Baccellia said…

Shaking my pom-poms for you too! Yay on your goal of making progress on your MG story.

Carol Garvin said…
Thanks for hosting this month, Kim, and a Happy Birthday to your son... his last before THE Teen Years strike!

Registration opens tomorrow for the writing conference that I love to attend. I usually make it every second year and this isn't the year... but I'm waffling. I could do with a boost of inspiration. If I kick myself into gear and register, I'll be setting all sorts of goals. For this week, however, my only one is to draft a contest piece.

I'm not much on celebrating what (so far) have only been minor successes of my own. About the most I ever do is to go buy myself a new book and indulge in some extra reading time.

Welcome to Clare.
Congrats to Kim on the upcoming release.
And yay to Candilynn for resisting social media and diving into all that reading, writing, editing and revising.
Girl Parker said…
Celebration = a walk and a trip to a coffeeshop or a big bowl of buttery popcorn.

Goals = words on the page. Please, dear god, let the words keep coming.

Thanks = to Kim for hosting!
Kim Baccellia said…

I so know the feeling you're going through with whether or not to attend a conference. I'm the same way but I think next year I'm going to go to ALA14 and book a flight to Vegas. Just do it. It'll be scary but also kind of freeing.

Yay on small goals. I tend to forget that sometimes I need to do this as the bigger ones? Well, they end up not getting done.

Shaking my pom-poms of encouragement your way too!

Thanks for stopping by!
Kim Baccellia said…
Girl Parker,

I'm sending some plotting magic dust your way! Also doing a cheer to let you know we're all cheering for you!

**I know the feeling about those words just not coming. Sometimes a walk, visit to a movie, friend, or just alone time, help. Either way, I wanted you to know, you're not alone!

Thanks for stopping by!

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